
Corona Sutra: Owning the Lockdown Blues

There is no humor in the COVID-19 virus, the cold and unseen stranger who is touching everyone with its icy cold fingers. This young lad that cannot differentiate between the strong and the weak, the rich and the poor, seems to be acting like the vamp of those melodramatic daily soap TV serials which have […]

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Life of a Graphic Designer in a PR Firm

Behind all the sparkly events, successful hashtags and campaigns that makes you go WHOAHHH, the unsung heroes of a PR firm is the creative team. We are often spotted with high-bun hair, round spectacles and mostly in a hundred shades of black are personalities who love to sit on the backseat and observe, thinking of […]

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How to amplify your blogger outreach

Let’s just say, not everybody reads. Even more so, even less care to read. Alternatively, let’s also say, a lot of people read. And even more so, when it’s well written. What then, differentiates the two and assimilates the good qualities of an attentive reader who takes notice and automatically filters the audience to a perceptive one […]

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The Role of Social Media Communication during the Pandemic

A public health epidemic has arisen from the 2019 coronavirus outbreak, which has had a significant effect on the environment as well as our everyday lives. Not only the rate of transmission and the patterns of infection threatens our sense of self-employment, but the safety measures implemented to control the spread of the virus also […]

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लोगों के साथ आपके अच्छे संबंध ही है, उज्ज्वल भविष्य का रास्ता

हमारे लिए कई बार तय करना मुश्किल होता है कि हम कुछ करना चाहते है। खासकर अपने कैरियर में किसी ऑप्शन यूज करने के लिए जिसके साथ हम आगे बढ़ना चाहते हैं। लेकिन सबसे जरूरी होता है किसी के साथ अपने संबंधों को अच्छा बनाना। इसके बिना अब आगे नहीं बढ़ सकते हैं। जो बच्चे […]

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