Speak even your voice shakes, we will make it clear and louder

In a democracy, citizens are supreme. To be civilized and progressive, we need a set of rules. But what good are they if they lack consensus? A concerted effort must always be undertaken to bring people in confidence regarding the issues that concern them most. While there are many SHGs, NGOs, Societies, groups, institutions etc. that focus on pressing issues, they often fail to leave any significant impression due to the absence of meaningful cooperation between lawmakers and law seekers. PRAG India seeks to change that.

We have made it our endeavor to bring all stakeholders together on a single platform wherein they can share their ideas, develop opinions and draft meaningful legislations. We strive to bring lawmakers from state and center in contact with these smaller and bigger groups so that they can share their insights on different legislative matters. After all, a meaningful piece of legislation is not made every day. We better do it right the first time.

“We make a difference by championing your cause.”

What We Offer

Publicize Your Legislative Agenda

Publicize your legislative agenda

Generate Opinions

Generate Opinions

Gather Public Consensus

Gather Public Consensus

Association With Organisation

Association, partnership and collaboration with like-minded organizations and institutions

Legislative Assistance

Legislative assistance in the form of collaboration with legislatures and intellectualium

Organize Seminar & Confrences

Organize seminars, gatherings and conferences to develop and nurture progressive ideas, opinions and bills

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