
And just like the year 2022, I wish 2023 to be ‘Upwards and Onwards’ with PRAG.

August 2021 was when I got a call to share some vernacular content. That one call changed and shaped my year 2022 as a Phenomenal, Rewarding, Adventurous, Gratitude filled year with PRAG. From writing vernacular content to being entrusted with writing entire content for high-profile political clients, from being a remote resource to being given the responsibility of mentoring new teammates to […]

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The Ultimate Cheat Sheet on Video Marketing

Introduction to Video Marketing We are all aware of the way marketing works but the dominant player in this field that has taken over the social media world is Video Marketing. It is a no brainer that we tend to grasp what we see faster than what we hear. The world of today is no […]

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A Power Capsule for PR Professionals to Endure Lockdown

Are you running out of ideas to pitch a perfect story to the media in the wake of Coronavirus? Well! My friend, you are in the right place. Million Dollar Tip 1: The people are going through a lot of suffering, and ignoring this would be insensitive and destructive in the long. So avoid releasing campaigns that […]

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Coming out of the closet – Menstrual Leave is now ‘Guilt Free’

No more hiding the truths of life using dark paper bags. It is time, you come out of the closet and embrace it instead of still talking about it in ‘Whisper’ and ‘Stay Free’ of any guilt. While most of us have already understood the subject of our talk and pretend to not know about […]

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‘Ello Mate, You on Facebook?

You know that feeling when you sense all grown-up vibes in yourself because you are having reunions now, visiting ‘old’ friends. I was over a call with this friend, and as I said, being all chirpy that how I’m looking forward to meeting our old friends whom we haven’t seen in ages. “I don’t know […]

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