
PRAG to me

It is often said by leaders, mentors, and highly experienced professionals that one should always choose to follow their heart when deciding the line of work. But most of the workforce is not lucky enough to have gained that freedom of choice. PRAG to me is that choice that defines the feeling of liberation and joy with which I can proudly have a conversation about my work.

I still remember it was just yesterday when I came into the corporate family. Erasing all conventional standards, I got my first brief in a meeting with the CEO of the organization sitting casually on a beanbag and pouring his heart out!! Cut to handling clients, creating content, working on campaigns and so much more came in like an adrenaline rush that never faded even the slightest. Falling for work is rare, but when it happens, you lose, only to gain more knowledge and experience.

In the process, came beautiful and effortless bonds of friendship that made our small but efficient team even more united and closer in building PRAG stronger. The delightful meals- hand cooked by chef moms of my fellow colleagues, super adventurous trips, fun Fridays, and team lunches, were endless cherries on the cake. It is amazing how, at PRAG, the work environment seems super supportive and interesting that anyone on the outside will feel FOMO.

And of course, the best of all, PRAG to me is the breath of relief that stands by me like a robust pillar, enabling me to avail my #Right2Rest every month during my menstrual cycle. A concept in action that the entire corporate industry is yet to witness or incorporate, where people feel sinful and ashamed while opining ‘Periods’, we at PRAG, are unflinchingly vocal in our efforts to normalize it in work culture.

PRAG through my lens is the wheel of innovation that focuses on improving each one of us at an individual level and growing together via learning something concrete and ‘out of the box’ every single day. With the given current pace and dynamics of media, multitasking is not an add-on, rather a necessary requirement, which PRAG equips us with, at an unparalleled level.

A perfect paradise of creativity, rush of the buzz, news, trends, networking, storytelling, communication, and innovation, this is my anecdote at PRAG! PRAG to me, in a nutshell, has been like a blessing that gives me the freedom to follow my passion without a worry in the world about the rat race. A thought as professionals we should reflect on before getting into the race we choose to run in.

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